Doodling along as I do...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 19 April 2005 21:10:15

Still wondering what the right decision would have been:

And also: was waddling around town today, having a list of things to do and a vague memory of things that should have been on that list, and popped in to get the latest ish of Edge. Out falls the 'added value, target marketed, infoburst' or whatever the heck marketers call the junk cobblers that gets inserted into each magazine and cue this picture jumping out at me. People who know me have all, to a man, woman, child and hamster stared at my newly hair cutted head and this picture prety much sums it up. Had I seen it prior to the chop I'd have probably gone for a less extreme haircut, so I guess there was a reason for me to have missed the mag for the past week in the end...

Star Wars Lego © Traveller's Tales/Giant Interactive/Eidos.

Currently listening to: OneHundredHours: Live tracks off of the Soul Survivor 2004 live cd. Nest two tracks on the cd by a mile. OneHundredMiles in fact.Currently playing: Halo 2, (when I get a free moment because playing it with friends I'm getting clobbered)