My normal is your weird...

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Date: 06 August 2005 16:10:34

OK so a brief explanation may well be in order.

Finished the first draft of book 2 on monday. This had taken me about a week longer than I had hoped for because the end is quite draining in a way but there we go, I got there and the last two chapters fell onto the pages so quick it was a miracle...

Maybe I should go back a little bit first. Book 1 is Dr Sylver and the Library of Everything, a link can be found to the left if'n you're interested. Reviewed well, sold OK. Book 2, Dr Sylver and the Publisher hasn't approved the title so I can't tell you yet is hopefully aimed at coming out this Christmas. It's been a rush, pretty mcuh written since Feb this year, but the idea was there a while before that. Anyhow, it's the continuing story of kids who the world would describe as losers and the adventures they find out have been planned for them. Book 2 is hard hitting, much more so than book 1 but the first draft seems pretty balanced between fun and tough if that makes sense.

Anyhow, I now have two weeks to do the second draft and hand it in, if we're going to have any hope of making a couple of personal deadlines I'd like the book to make. We'll see, some pages it seems highly achievable, barely a change in sight, some...

..some require a little more work. Anyhow, a week in I'm a third of the way into second draft territory and apart from a good few grammatical errors and many sentences that needed a little rebalancing it all seems to be OK. This is my first time of reading the book, and apart from having to stop every paragraph and change something I'm enjoying it, which is a massive relief.

May be on and offline sporadically in the next two weeks. I may need this place as a way of lettting off steam, or my fingers may be typed to the bone. Just thought I'd sign in while I had a mo.

Anyway, yay. One more tick on the list, couple more to go, but for the moment I'll settle for the tick I've got.

Currently listening to: Andy Hunter: Exodus. Currently playing: Nothing, although did take an evening off to HAMMER me old mate the lil fella at Pro Ev all over again. Dr Sylver chapter title of the week...: Chapter 1: Masked Faces, Naked Words.