Classic line...

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Date: 14 January 2006 14:11:15

...probably been done... But anyhow, during youth group I was talking to one of the young leaders and he said something that insinuated that I was not the smartest person in the room.. I countered with the very enigmatic "it takes a smart man to admit he's a fool.... And boy am I dumb..." and then left him to ponder the significance of it. Me, I was in the kitchen giggling for ages while he helped pack up the football nets.

Left to their own devices, you see, the young leaders need a very close eye kept on them. Another for example would be the fact that two of them have been helping me with my homework (foundation youthwork studies to be more exact) and I asked them for a signed statement for my assignment pack. "Don't mind what it is," I foolishly said, "just something that says you've been leading here for a while, for example."

What I got was a piece of paper that said "my name is - well, for the purposes of this blog we'll say Mud shall we? - and I've suffered under Paul for a year and a half now." One quick frown later and she'd written something else, slightly better but I frowned anyway, and then I got something I could use.

Again, made me smile for ages that one.

Righto, off to drop some mini-books into a Christian cafe (the Kings House in Knaphill if anyone's interested) and then to work auditioing five more youth bands. Raining, which is a shame for the walk back and forth, but needs must :)

Currently listening to: Oasis: Don't believe the Truth. Currently playing: If I had time.... Hmmm well, I've ordered a PSP with the last of my birthday money so anticipating Wipeout in a big way.... Current socks being worn: Homer Simpson/Duff socks. Currently prayer request: I'll have the mental ability to do these time sheets.