Big Book Draw pic.

Categories: artwork, books

Tags: Guildford Book Festival, Guildford Big Book Draw, Brushes

Date: 07 September 2009 18:41:02

So the Big Book Draw is gathering steam. I've probably done as much as I'm able doodle provider wise - and done far better than I guess I would have ended up being so far: it's a heck of a set list. I am a little... glum is too strong a word... sad that I couldn't get any actors onboard and a couple of specific names I was really hoping to receive stuff from but hey ho. I'm really pleased with the people who've said yes, that's a fab group.

Materials wise it currently stands at what we can afford for £250. Moderately tricksome as there'll be 250 people there at least I'm guessing so this is causing a certain amount of creative thinking. Much of what we need won't be able to be bought in so we'll have to make do with created objects and reused materials and so on. Not a problem - we've done 15 years of youth group with the same philosophy and the pencil box from the youth work side is HEAVING, but every year it gets a smidge tighter... I do want to do a perspex wall with some of the yellow pens (can't remember the name but they're the best thing to draw on perspex ever) but in all likelihood that will be beyond us.

One of the nicest things about the Book Draw is that the day is that the doodling of the work that people will use as the basis for the book is coinciding with my ever growing love for Brushes on the iPod touch. I've got twenty or so plates to draw that will then be shrunk and photocopied in place, most likely being turned into outlines to be coloured in as well... But it's so much fun to play around with it I can imagine most pieces will have more work put into them than they would strictly need. Anyhow, pages 7+8 below:
