Tuesday: 4:20. CRACKERJA... Premier radio interview.

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 July 2006 10:57:02

Tuesday, 4:20. Premier radio interview with Cindy Kent. Probably around 20 minutes of chat about, amongst other things, youthwork, writing, drawing and book 2. Should be interesting (I hope :~) ) I'll be inerested to see how it goes anyhow.

A link of where Premier can be listened to is here: http://www.premier.org.uk/engine.cfm?i=252 if that's your bag. No-one email in any hard questions though.

Apart from that it's a bizarraloid weekend and no mistaking. Started early yet ended up walking around like a zomnie until midday because my head wouldnt clear following something of a long week (friday exam seemed to go OK by the way if you're wondering, bar the fact that the sound from Guilfest was pretty loud, I answered everything as well as I could anyhow). Then a youth grouper thing came upn (which I shan't talk about) and that took pretty much the whole rest of the saturday/sunday to deal with (which I'm not unhappy about, I like all of the youth groupers and if situations like the one that did arise come up then I do want to be there to help). Then wifey went out to see a film (which had been planned for a while and having done a lot of the chatting that had needed to be done with multiple parties), I put the kids to bed in a tent in the garden for a change (which hadn't been planned for a while) and then we get to monday and I'm here with a list of things to do and a brain that's slowly warming up on Gas Mark 0.5.

Anyhow: Premier: Tuesday. If you can join me it's always nice to know there's some friends out there.

Currently listening to: Gorillaz: Demon Days live DVD. Currently playing: Started playing Half Life 2: Xbox which seems well worth a play with. Looking forward to playing Exit on PSP in the next few days having ordered it off of Play for a bargainous £12. Current socks being worn: Mickey on med blue. Currently prayer requests: For stories behind youth groupers lives and that in all cases friends will be there when needed.