If it's not one thing...

Categories: artwork

Tags: Pixelmator, brush play, Brushes, Artwork

Date: 25 July 2009 19:51:34

Or, to give it it's full title: "If it's not one damn thing it's another..."


Started in Brushes, which I liked as it was on the iPod but less so once it had been imported onto the Macbook, and finished in Pixelmator after I saw some Dave McKean artwork on Twitter and thought I should give up and go away...

Hey ho...

Anyhow, finished while son boy struggled over Super Mario Sunshine. It's hard going - he's breezed through the first hundred stars but gets teeth grindingly, tear stained screamingly frustrated by the harder levels which I also cant do so can't always help with...

Hey ho again.

So yes, before anyone asks, it is a pretty reflective, autobiographical image. And I am not the bird.
