I could never be a London City Missionary

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Date: 15 July 2007 07:03:21

Conversation in pub with M on Saturday night. (I call him "M" because that's the letter his name starts with - but its also the way the LCM people always talk about their contacts in their terribly interesting monthly magazine).

M, a very drunk fifty-something bloke said:

"I'm pissed. I've been out for two days. Had an row on Thursday. She said If you are going to get pissed again dont bother to come home, So I didn't go home. I popped in on Friday to have a shower and change my clothes and went straight out to the pub again. But I need to go back home now. I need to sleep. They say'you are in trouble' But I'm not in trouble. What's she going to do, throw mw out? I pay the bills. Its my house. Well, its our house. We both live there. But whats she going to do about it?"

If I was a proper LCM-type missionary evangelist I'd have advised him to go home and told him that Jesus loves him

But actually I just nodded and said 'I know what you mean mate"

Overheard in a pub:

"Our Community policeman is OK. He comes round and chats to us and everyone is hanging around on the corner puffing on a bit of blow and he says hello. He's just like your next-door neighbour. That's the way it ought to be. He's got respect."

Also overheard in a pub:

"I need to be protected from my Dad. I've got a gaff. I pay rent for it. He's got a gaff..." (and a lot more)

Nuts. The TV is doing a late-night re-run of Dallas. It just came on. And which episodes? The one in which JR got shot, and the one afterwards. I used to hate it. I hardly ever watched it. I can't actually remember who shot JR. But its strangely compelling...