cough cough

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 May 2006 14:59:31

Not me. My poor Brownie, who coughed solidly, when not having a major asthma attack, from about 1.30am to about 4.30am, and then from about 7am to about 9am. I was in the adjoining, keep-an-ear-out, cubbyhole for Brownie leaders.

All the others are either so well brought up, or so scared of me, that there was not a peep out of them between 10.45 and 7.30. What stars. Shame I wasn't asleep for most of that time... including the bit after 7am when the sick Brownie was asleep, but coughing, and the bit from 10.45 to midnight when the leaders were consuming chocolate and wine.

Still, it was only one night away, and we had our day of fun yesterday instead of today, which was just as well. Gokarting, orienteering, climbing, crafts, and archery. I like my Brownies, they are all lovely girls, and I'm going to miss them as I'm going to have to move Packs in the autumn because it's a very inconvenient night. It's possible I'll move to Guides on a different night instead (it's very hard for me to get there in time most nights of the week, and Guides is later). In which case I am going to try to poach the two oldest girls for Guides where I'd move to, instead of leaving them to the, frankly moribund*, Guides at the same church.

The sofa, and another cup of coffee, are calling me.

*No, the girls don't have a terminal illness, but the group is too small for sustainability and I'm not sure the current leader is this particular pair's cup of tea.