
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 11 October 2006 17:12:01

Sorry about that. Not that you've been on the edge of your seats or anything. Work is busy, lots of thriling travel (not) (went to Oxford yesterday, came back today, both train journeys an hour late, we're driving down again on Friday for a wedding on Saturday and no doubt we'll take ages on the motorway too...). Well, actually I've also just booked to go to Indonesia at the end of Nov for 2 1/2 weeks so that's quite thrilling... And I'm teaching my first postgrad class tomorrow morning, and may pluck up the courage to go to a beginners' ballet class tomorrow afternoon, too!

Currently reading: Northanger Abbey - for about the third time, though I haven't read it in ages - for the local library book group. I can't go to my church's book group any more as it's on the same night as Brownies, so thought I'd try this one again. I love this book, it's very underrated, and contains the most fabulous quote in the world:

"A woman especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can."

I told the group of (academic women) I had dinner with last night this quote, and they thought it was great too.