Instructions for the new blog

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 08 November 2006 13:42:22

1. Leave your email in the comments either here or at the other blog
2. Respond to the email invitation you get (ahem, cal??)
3. When you want to post a day claim it (preferably on the Ship thread)
4. Go to the New Post link and write a new post. You don't have to do this on the day the actual saint corresponds to. If you do it in advance (or late) you can just change the date it thinks you posted it on. It says at the bottom "Post and Comment Options" and you change the date by clicking on that.
5. If you are posting in advance, save it as a draft. If you, or I, come along on the right date we can then Publish the post. If you aren't finished just write that in the post body and I'll try not to publish it!