
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 01 January 1970 00:59:59

Damn. I'm going to the theatre tonight and I walked to work rather than cycling especially so I could go straight from work to meet friends to have something to eat before the theatre... except I've forgotten the tickets.

Do I a) leave work very early to get the tickets and still meet them or b) tell them I'll meet them at the theatre (bearing in mind that one of them doesn't know the others) or c) rush out of work a little early and try to get home to get the tickets, calling my friends on my mobile if I'm late (bearing in mind that the same friend who doesn't know the others hasn't got a mobile!)

Currently reading (well, listening to on tape while I walk to work): Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce. This has confirmed me in Joyce's need to get over himself. However there are some good quotable quotes e.g.:"What is the alternative I'm offered? Eternal bliss in the company of the Dean of Studies?"

Maddie suggests: Leave work very early. I am going for that option, in combination with Tell friend A what friend B looks like, as I have lots of reading to do and can feel virtuous reading it on the bus.