
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 18 June 2003 12:23:36

I haven't got any. I've got so many things to do that have no particular deadline (writing and editing papers, doing research) or only very vague deadlines (submitting a grant application roughly 3 months before I want the money), but which have to be done very well... and some things that are ultimately not that useful (admin for exams) but which have someone breathing down my neck to do them. Not very helpful.

Currently reading: Ode for a Banker by Lindsey Davis. I'm very fond of her books - they are all set in ancient Rome and have an "informer" (private investigator) as a hero.

Waiting to read: The Full Cupboard of Life, by Alexander McCall Smith. If you haven't read any of this series - the no 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - go out and get one now. The latest one was supposed to be out on June 12th but the bookshop haven't rung me yet. Boo.