
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 23 August 2005 20:55:21

We have been taking a salsa class - yes, I'm astounded I persuaded The Spouse™, too... he says "it was the best option available" - I think I suggested circuits or a spinning class instead. It's fun but we are very bad at it. There is only one other bloke in the class, and he's the teacher's dad - and he's much worse that either of us. Last week we found our shoes kept sticking to the floor which makes is very hard to dance - we wore different shoes this week which helps. And we learned (well, we were taught) the mambo and the cha cha cha today.

Currently reading: well, I've just finished one of my favourite childhood books, The Family from One End Street, by Eve Garnett. I got quite a few of my old books from my dad's house a couple of months ago and I'm enjoying reading them. Sad geeky point is that in the book, two sisters are just finishing primary school and one goes on to grammar school, one doesn't. When I was a child, before I read this, I didn't realise that in the "olden days" children who didn't go to grammar school left school at 14 - but some of the most interesting stuff I've been working on is about the effect of leaving school early, or not going to school, on performance on things like IQ tests. Whenever I read about older studies of this effect, I have always thought of Lily Rose and Kate in One End Street.