Turn the other cheek?

Categories: spirituality

Date: 20 December 2009 10:31:48

Somebody has made a very selfish decision which impacts massively on us, and what we do over the next few months. It's very iritating and makes me almost regret doing what I assumed was the right thing to do. The whole thing has made me really annoyed and frustrated. Last night when I found out the news, I was so annoyed I was starting to think up ways to make his life difficult, as he's made ours. But then I felt really mean for even thinking those things. And I remembered what Jesus said about turning the other cheek. Easier said than done.

I doubt if I'll end up doing anything purposefully spiteful in revenge, but right now every time I think about it I boil up with anger, so I can't even contemplate forgiving him right now. Jesus doesn't ask for a lot, does he?! Maybe I'll get there, some day. For now though, I'm going to make sure he knows the facts behind the situation and take it from there.