
Categories: general

Tags: Friends

Date: 15 October 2007 21:13:20

Is it just me, or do most people get moments when they wished they didn't have to interact with others? When they didn't have to have certain, awkward conversations? When they didn't have to be assertive amongst friends and demand that specific things should be done? When they didn't have to choose between two friends?

My job means that I have to have a certain level of people skills. I can't avoid many awkward conversations in work. A lot of the time it isn't my favourite part of the job, but I get through it and cope. It just feels at the moment, that I have a number of non-work related issues which are demanding me to have a number of awkward conversations. To say things which go against my natural way of working. To make difficult decisions and follow them up with difficult conversations. A lot of my natural instinct is to avoid confrontation. To settle things peacefully, without too much tension or awkwardness. Now hopefully, these situations will be resolved without too much tension or annoyance. But at the moment, just the anticipation of these conversations and situations is making me nervous. Making me think lots about the best way to go about things. Which is a good thing, to an extend. There comes a point where it is better to just go for it.

Deep breath. Here goes.