Childhood Adventures of ERG..... or maybe not

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 07 June 2005 19:22:36

Matty told me last week about somebody doing something similar to this, and this afternoon I was bored with my revision and so came up with a similar type of thing, based on my life. Ok, I'll stop waffling and just explain.
Below is a list of events that have all occured. Half of them have happened to me and the other half have happened to my friends and family. They are in no particular order.

1. I climbed to the top of Ben Nevis when i was ten years old
2. In all the photos taken at my fifth birthday party i am crying
3. I was bullied for being a lesbian
4. I was attempting to climb over a spiked fence and one of the spikes went about half an inch into my stomach
5. I was pushing an elderly relative in a wheelchair down a hill, with a lake at the bottom, and the handles of the chair came off - leaving the chair free-wheeling towards the lake
6. At the age of 18 I couldn't tell the difference between my left and my right foot
7. I was given a black eye for having an Asian boyfriend
8. I fell off my bike and smashed my front tooth
9. I sprained my ankle while walking on the north Cornish coastal path
10. I attended playgroup for a whole year and didn't speak a word until the last day
11. Playing eye-spy with my dad is riduculously hard, as he uses the latin names for all the trees and flowers
12. I was completely snowed in as a baby
13. I suffer from depression
14. I was swinging on a rope swing over a river and the rope snapped
15. I was almost knocked out by a falling table tennis table at my church
16. I was pushed out of a pedaloo into a lake

I do intend to reveal which is which, but not until people have guessed which incidents they think have happened to me. Readers who know me personally might know some of the answers already - feel free to still guess at the others (but close family members who know all of the answers, please don't reveal).