Greenbelt: Part 2

Categories: greenbelt

Tags: SCM, Greenbelt

Date: 31 August 2005 12:10:27

I began Saturday by going to see John Bell’s talk on ‘God’s funny Bone’. I thought this was good, he cleverly pointed out humour in the bible, including examples of Jesus being sarcastic! And he managed to get a number of his own jokes in there as well, including a very funny story about a dead dog (honestly, I don’t usually laugh at dead dogs, but this story was funny).

Looking back, I realise that I didn’t actually go to lots of specific events on Saturday, I spent most of the day meeting up with friends. I met up with friends from uni, friends from school, my sisters friends, friends from SCM, friends from my church at home and wibsite friends. It was rather amazing that I knew so many people at Greenbelt this year. And to be able to see everyone was fantastic.

I made an appearance at the wibmeet, although my shifts on the SCM stall meant that I could only come for an hour. It was great to meet everyone especially Tractor Girl, Jack, Neil and Dave. I have to admit though, I think my shy side came out rather than the excitedness, at the wibmeet. I didn’t arrive until 6ish and everyone else was already there and had met each other before – it was slightly scary. But I can assure you that I am usually easily excitable, and if you’re still not convinced, just ask Sarah for confirmation! I did make sure I wore my rainbow hat – I could have also worn a rainbow top, scarf and socks, but decided that would be too much rainbowness.

That evening we sampled the organic bar. I was very impressed with their organic cider, although was disappointed to be given Tescos apple juice later in the weekend. You would have thought they could have had organic soft drinks as well. Generally throughout the site I was impressed with the amount of fairly traded and organic products for sale, although it did mean that food and drinks weren’t exactly cheap (certainly don’t fit in a student budget).

Quote of the day:
Jen: “I’ve got everything except my legs*, I don’t know where they are”
(* zip on trouser extentions).