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Date: 09 November 2005 22:30:06

I have just come back from a bible study, that I led, where we were using an Iona book to discuss John's version of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It raised a number of interesting points, but the one that stands out for me, is the issue of faith.

We talked about taking steps of faith and we recognised the fact that sometimes people do something foolish, because they believe at the time that its a step of faith. When you are taking a step of faith, how are you supposed to know if its actually a step in the right direction? Mostly I would say you don't know at the time, and may never find out - thats why its called a step of faith. You have to trust that it is the right way. All of the group acknowledged that often when you feel God is telling you to do something, its hard to tell whether it is really God, or if its just your mind playing psychological games. The film Saved was mentioned (a couple of the group had seen it last week in the chaplaincy, but it was actually another girl who brought it up), during which a girl sleeps with her gay boyfriend, because she believes that's what Jesus wants her to do.

Having recently taken a step of faith, this discussion obviously meant that personal thoughts were stimulated. I am fairly certain that I am stepping in the right direction, but what if im not? I have been, and still am, praying a lot about this issue. And I do feel as though my actions are right. But, still. Everyone has doubts. Anyway, I made my decision, the issue is currently out of personal control, and I will have to wait and see. The positive thing is that if my step was in the wrong direction, I don't think any major harm can come from it.