Eek! Too much work!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 19 November 2005 12:49:46

I'm currently trying to work on my community profile - a study of a particular community, where its demographic data is anyalsed and health needs are assess. I need to decide if the health needs of the community are being met and make recommendations for the redirection of funding and resources, so that the health needs can be met (theorectically). Its supposed to be 4000 words. Which, because I'm surrounded by friends writing 20, 000 word thesises, doesn't sound that much. But when you come to write it, it seems really, really long. Its not due in until after Christmas, but I would like to finish it (or at least have ready for my personal tutor to read) before Christmas. So far, I have written just over 700 words. I have worked out, in my diary, when I need to write which sections, in order to finish before Christmas. And it is really scary, how little time I have. I need to write at least 1000 words a week, which in comparsion to what Sarah's doing, is nothing, but I also have more than 20 hours of lectures a week. And I still have to read a worrying amount, in order to write this profile. Then there's socialising (v.important!) - birthday parties, Christmas meals, hiking, etc. Not to mention spiritual stuff - there are a heck of a lot of advent/Christmas services that I have to attend, because I'm doing something in them - like next Sunday, we're leading the WHOLE morning service! Theres just not enough time!!!