
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 13 January 2006 23:48:54

Questions are funny things. They tend to, if given a valid answer, increase your knowledge. This, from personal experience can be good or bad. There are some situations where asking questions is definately a good thing - on placement we are generally encouraged to ask questions, because (even though it may make you look stupid, if you ask a silly question) its better that you know the answer to it. There is so much in nursing that I need to expand my knowledge on, and one key way to do this is to ask the experts, the people who deal with these situations day in day out.

There are other questions, that you really are better off not knowing the answer to. As I have recently discovered. At the time of asking the question, you think you want to know the answer. Then you get the answer, and it hits you like a knife. Cutting straight through, all that you thought was fine.

I am trying to stop asking questions, if I think the truth will be painful. But its hard. There are so many things that I would like to know. Or one part of me, would like to know. The rest of me says 'no Jen, just don't go there'. I keep telling myself and other people that I have accepted the situation. And of course, knowing things about the past, is not going to change the situation (other than completely mess with my head). But still.... its like theres a little man sat on my shoulder, whispering 'ask, ask, ask', when I'm in a situation where I could do.