I'm fine, honestly

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 29 January 2006 19:44:37

I've been thinking too much today. I went hiking, and although (as usual) I spent a lot of time chatting to my friends, I also spent quite a lot of time thinking. I kept telling myself that I was fine. That everything was fine. But the fact that I had to keep telling myself that I was fine, makes me suspicious about whether I am. I want everything to fine. I think its fine.

But if, deep down, I really am not fine, then I do need to admit this to myself. Because it will come out in the future, especially if I carry out my current plans for next year. I think its just weird. And I'm hoping that I will get used to the weirdness, or it will become less weird in time anyway. Sigh. I just don't know anymore.

On a lighter note, the hike was great. We went to Pembrokeshire and walked 9 miles along the coast. The weather was amazing and some pictures will probably follow.