
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 April 2006 16:04:21

I am so stressed at the moment. I've loads of work to do, and not enough time to do it. I keep on agreeing to do all these extra things, for this, that and the other, and then I look at my diary, and try to figure out where my work can fit in. And there just isn't enough time. My work has to come first. It has to be done. So, now I feel really bad because I'm not going to be able to do some of the other committments that I had agreed to do. Hmm, I think I need to learn to say 'no'.

I've been worrying about my work load for the past week or so, but today it just kind of all came out. I went into the chaplaincy at lunch time, and was so tense it was untrue. A friend in there finished a can of coke and I asked if I could have the empty can. I destroyed it in one giant stomp of my foot. This friend looked surprised and said, 'i'm glad you're not trying to give me an injection'. After lunch I went back to my lectures, and surprised myself when I slammed the lecture room door behind me, and the class looked up in astonishment. Believe me, stress expressing itself in this way is very rare for me. Hmm, I dunno, maybe its because I'm trying to deal with a lot of other stuff at the moment.

I am slightly calmer now. Though I suspect my blood pressure is still raised. I am just going to have to give my work priority. If I can do anything else, then I will, but for the next week or so, I think I'll be in my room buried underneath books and journal articles.