Moving Away

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Date: 22 April 2006 16:37:37

Its now only a week until I go. I've had the accommodation details through the post and will have to make some phone calls soon to finalise everything. It is quite scary. Moving away from everyone I know and everything I'm familiar with in Swansea. But, I'm trying to be positive about it. Its only 7 weeks. I will be able to come back and visit Swansea on my days off. Being away like that should give me more time to do acedemic work - i have an exam the first week back (most people have study leave before an exam, I have a 7 week placement). I've bought a map of the area, so I can go exploring in my free time. And numerous friends from Swansea have said they'll come and visit me. I doubt if I'll have internet access, but I know I'll still have the support and prayers from wibloggers. Generally I think it'll give me some good thinking space and if I want company, my friends are only at the end of a phone line.

As I often do when I'm at home, with a music book and a piano, I was enjoying a little tickle last night. One of the songs I played was 'Will You come and Follow Me?' by John Bell. As I played and sang the first few lines, it struck home - 'Will you come and follow me if I but call your name? Will you go where you don't know and never be the same?'. 2 years ago, when I was confirmed and made a personal committment to follow Him, I chose to sing this song in the service. I remembered last night, that I'm doing this course for Him. I'm doing my placements for Him - I am trying to let His love be shown in this world. Moving away like this, is one small part of it. He will be with me every step of the way. He doesn't expect me to go through it all on my own. This realisation has helped me come to terms with the whole concept of moving away.