
Categories: swansea

Tags: Uni

Date: 05 June 2006 23:21:36

I realise I haven't blogged for a while, partly because it was down over the weekend, but partly because I haven't really had anything that was bloggable. But I thought I'd come and say hello.

I'd also like to say, how nice it is when people say thank you. It makes a big difference. I was having a rubbish shift, it was really busy, I was too hot and tired (after night shifts), I had several 'complicated' patients that I was trying to deal with, the doctors were being stupid and I was generally feeling fed up. But two of the staff, at different times, thanked me for my work and said they couldn't have managed without me. It made me feel so much better - I felt appreciated. I felt as though my efforts were worth it. And even though I made some stupid mistakes, I was still useful and needed.

I'm still having issues with the muppet - she only put me down for two short shifts all week, when I'm supposed to be working at 37.5 hour week! I know I should be glad - but we *have to* make up our hours for uni. She'd also written a note saying we couldn't change the shifts without checking with her first, when she wasn't going to be on the ward for another week! Anyway, basically I went above her, and managed to get it changed. I'm just hoping its ok now. I got days off for the SCM gathering this weekend, so I'm happy. (Was good job I had that request met - I had agreed to lead worship there, before I knew my shifts definately!)

But anyway, I'm ok. Still alive down here, though I have got some decisions to think about.