My weekend

Categories: general

Tags: Family

Date: 24 July 2006 00:07:08

I've just come back from down south, where I celebrated my cousin's wedding. The service went very well, and the reception was held in the pub next door, which the groon's Dad owns. During the service the minister told us a story: There was once a bride rehearsing for her wedding, and she was so nervous and stressed that she couldn't take in what she had to do. The minister simplified it for the bride - you just have to walk up the aisle, stand at the alter and say the right words, and then we'll sing a hymn. But she was still confused, she had too much stress on her mind. So the minister simplified it further, and as he did so her expression changed from anxious to joyful. He said 'aisle....alter.....hymn.'

It was only a flying visit down south, but it was great to see my family. I usually spend a week or so down there every summer, and this year its been shorted to 2 days. When I left this afternoon I had a party of 8, all lined up at the station waving me off. I felt very privileged to have so many people wanting to be at the station to say goodbye!

The train journey, was amazingly for a Sunday evening, fine. In fact, it was early. Shock horror. I couldn't believe it. I'm used to getting in 3 hours late on a Sunday evening, and I was 15 minutes early!!!! I had to catch 4 different trains, so I was anticipating missing my connections and getting in a mess. But the all of the first 3 trains were early by about 10 minutes each. And the last one was running late when I got on it - but that meant it was earlier than the planned train back to Swansea. Hence I got in 15 minutes early. :)