Plotting the Allotment for 2009

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Date: 09 January 2009 21:08:36

2009 Targets WORKING ON THE PLOT The first activity planned for this year is the collection and spreading of manure tomorrow (Sat).  A team of us will be collecting the muck, kindly provided by a couple of local horses, delivering it and putting it on the plot.  This will rot down in the course of the next few months, adding condition and nutrients to the soil.  Mmmm (the plants will say!) The plants in question are currently in the form of a seed order which is due to be sent very soon.  The focus for this season will be to grow a number of more traditional, hopefully easy, crops on the bottom plot.  Also planned is the establishment of some boundary plants for shelter on this plot, and perhaps a pond and some fruit bushes.  The hope is also that some funds will come through to allow the purchase of a greenhouse, shed, raised beds and other essentials for the top plot, which is looking to be the location for permanent structures.  I, personally, would like to see these things in place by the end of this year, so that they are in use by next season and we will be able to concentrate on the planting around them. ADMIN, FUNDRAISING AND THE LIKE Lisa, the Communities First worker, is in the process of putting a Trust Fund bid together for us.  If this is successful, then the plan is that it will pay for all of the above!  I have a copy of the funding bid so far, she and I need to work on it together next week and have it submitted by the end of Jan to reach the next round of applications (otherwise it will be a case of waiting 'til April).  Please pray. We are also working on our corporate image.  Well, okay, we are sorting out a logo to use as a letterhead etc.  One of our Trustees has a friend who is happy to do this for a nominal fee, so this should hopefully be sorted with very little difficulty. The next Trustees meeting is planned for the beginning of Feb.  This will be the forum where any other major decisions for forward planning are agreed upon. Of course, this is simply the allotment side of the whole thing.  Watch this space for other developments in areas already mentioned by Jeff.  Also, do not forget to look out for the 'Things Unknown' . . . we certainly will! Dith