August Results and September Targets

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Date: 01 October 2007 19:55:40

- Have spoken to the serectary of a local allotment organisation and it is looking hopeful. The allotment site has facilities, including a shop and a toilet, and there are possibly two vacant plots available.
Target: We need to make time to visit the site and discuss things further.
- Spoke on the telephone to a staff member of the local Christian organisation that houses and supports ex-offenders. The leadership appeared very busy this past month, so Jeff and I decided that it would be a good idea to postpone the attempt to meet them until things have had a chance to calm down.
Target: I will phone the organisation again this month.

- Project name decided upon thanks to Chas and Rain, and the website domain name has been registered (see entry of 11.09.07).
Targets: (a) Once the allotment site has been secured, send out the initial prayer support e-mails with details of the project.
(b) Begin to set up the website in order to increase publicity.

- A little further research has been done into available funding.
Target: More enquiries need to be made, both online and looking into local government sources.

As always, please be praying into the progress of these things. Thanks.
