Belated January Updates and Targets for February

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 08 February 2008 16:49:56

Computer glitches are mostly responsible for this delay. The management would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

- Chris has been helpful in managing the plot and filling in the (not insignificant) holes in my horticultural knowledge.
Target: Keep in contact with Chris and put his advice into practice.

- Three Trustees have been identified, which I am relaibly informed is a good number to start with. Jeff is in the process of orgainising a suitable date for the first meeting.
Target: To have held the first Trustees meeting by the end of the month.

- Five beds have now been marked out on the plot, and most of this area has been dug over ready for planting. Chris and his team of volunteers have been an invaluable resource, in terms of people power and tools. We have entered a routine of one three hour session each week, and I even attended yesterday when there was no-one else for comapny except a very freindly robin!
- We are in the process of buying a low cost greenhouse from the Allotment Secretary, which will be very useful for growing seedlings and for plants such as tomatoes and cucumbers.
- I have purchased all the seeds for this year, the majority of them from the little allotment shop for the bargain price of £10!
Targets: Dig over the rest of the veg beds, with regualr help from the team. Sow some of the earlier seeds in modules ready for planting out later in the year. Ensure that the Allotment Sec is paid for the greenhouse, the seeds and the outstanding amount of rent.

- The Smallholding Course is still going well. As I did not explain to Ian before now, I should clarify what this means. A Smallholding is basically a mini-farm, usually for people who want to try to be at least a little self-sufficient. Therefore, this course is useful for teaching complete amateurs, such as myself, the basics of farm animal care and crop management. As the long-term plan for our charity is to include animal care, it seemed logical that we should begin to learn something ourselves - it is also great fun!

Thanks as always for your prayers, keep it up!
