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Date: 07 January 2011 16:18:05

No, I have not forgotten that Christmas has been and gone.  This is a reference to the 'Stone of Help' in the Old Testament, meaning 'Thus far has the LORD helped us'.  Apparently, the stone in question (a form of altar of remembrance) was called Ebenezer.  I guess if you are going to call a stone anything, it may as well be that!

All joking aside, I thought I would take this opportunity to chart the journey of our little ministry to date, and praise God for helping us thus far!

Summer 07 - saw Jeff and I attending the conference at Caring for Life which sparked a passion for this ministry in both of us.  The wiblog arrived not long after that, together with the search for the form this ministry was to take.  Very soon after, the inspiration came to set up a therapeutic allotment project.  Names for the overall ministry and also the allotment project were provided by Chas and Rain, bringing 'Sustaining Life' and 'Plotting to Improve' to the world.

Autumn/Winter 07 - I met a Christian allotment holder through work by the name of Jon, who gave advice on selecting the right kind of plot.  After overcoming a little initial resistance from the committee at our chosen site (answered prayer!) we rented our first plot.  Jon and his father-in-law also helped with initial ground clearance at this plot.  I started a horticultural course, and Environmental Chris first entered the picture - proving useful from the outset.  We also started approaching people to become members of our Management Committee.  The year ended on a high with a surprise donation 'out of the blue' which enabled us to purchase basic items to get the project off the ground.

I'm going to pause here, as I am aware that this will be an INCREDIBLY long post if I write the full story in one go!  It has excited me to look back at even the first few months of the life of 'Plotting to Improve', and I hope it has put a smile on your face too.  Ain't God good!