Rapid Progress

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Date: 15 September 2008 21:55:21

Things that have happened today:

1) Sorted and stored the tools that had been delivered, and requested that the wheelbarrow missing from the order be chased up. Was informed that it should be delivered soon.

2) Phoned Dan from the VSO and chatted about the option of having a Big Dig work day one week-end soon. He appears keen to 'lend' us some of his volunteers and requested an detailed e-mail so that he could act on the information. E-mail sent, waiting for response from the volunteer team now. Exciting!

3) Contacted a the people on our 'waiting list' and arranged for those who are still interested to meet for a work party next Monday at 1pm.

4) Met with the keen volunteer mentioned previously (who I have been known to call Rainbow Warrior) at the allotment this p.m. Only meant to put him in the picture as the where we are with it all at the moment, but he stayed and worked for about 3 hours. Brilliant and very helpful!

5) Whilst we were working on the plot, we were approached by a friendly looking bloke who was keen to tell us of local funding that would be available for the project. He turned out to be our local councillor, who gave us contact details for the Communities First worker who will be able to help us with our application. He also said to mention that he had pointed us in her direction. How is that for encouragement?!?

That us alot of things to happen in one day, eh?