Procrastination is a gift I think I'd like to exchange for something more useful

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 27 February 2005 20:11:18

Miffy has joined me in blogging about the ancient art, nay gift, of procrastination. My ESRC application hast to be in this coming Friday, and so I knew I needed to get the bulk of it done today to email to the supervisors for comments so I could spend tomorrow and Tuesday evening fine-tuning it before sending it on Wednesday. So what have I done today?

* church
* washing and ironing
* hoovering
* sleep for 2 hours (oops)
* washing up
* too much time on the internet

And now it's 8 o'clock and I still have to get my head round my main supporting statement to make the tutor's suggested changes and incorporate more ESRC priorities. Why do I do this? Why do you keep reading my blog entries which start with the word "procrastination"? (I should probably just cut and paste previous entries, but that would save time and right now I need to waste it).