The Year of Living Cheaply

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Date: 08 June 2005 19:02:17

Now that the idea of moving and studying is starting to sink in - it's really going to happen, scarily soon, rather than just being something I dream about that will happen at some point in the future - I've started to think about the sticky subject of money. Now, I never made any of my career decisions (particularly nursing) with a view to making my fortune, and I really don't want or need to be rolling in money, but it's starting to hit home that even moving to a less expensive part of the world, a paycut of going on for £20K is going to hurt a bit. So I'm now on the lookout for practical, fun, wild, silly, thought-provoking money-saving ideas so that I don't feel the pinch quite so much. I may well have to put my plans to get a dog on hold, will need to hunt out more free culture, not buy clothes unless they're on sale, that sort of thing, but any more amusing suggestions will all be gratefully received.

There are some things I'm not prepared to scrimp on though. I'll struggle not to buy organic veg. And when it comes to Greenbelt, if I'm not able to scrounge from someone in proper accommodation then I will shell out for a shower every day. I know Neil will disagree, as he proudly proclaims he's never ever washed at Greenbelt, but wet wipes really really aren't enough. Trust me on this.