
Categories: phd

Tags: procrastination, conference

Date: 10 June 2008 14:23:06

I'm meant this afternoon to be rejigging the scary conference talk I gave the other month, as I am presenting a version of it next week at another conference. At the same time I'm meant to be turning the conference talk into a journal article (to be published in a postgrad e-journal - nothing too prestigious so don't be too impressed!). As usual I'm being hampered by a number of factors.

1. Laziness.
2. Apathy.
3. Fear.
4. The e-journal's utter lack of instructions concerning word limit, etc.
5. Lack of guidance from the conference about processes for submitting the paper as a journal article.

I don't know why the first three are a problem. It's not like I'm writing it from scratch. 4 and 5 are just irritating, and providing justification for me sitting here whingeing rather than just getting on with it. Sigh.