Back to life, back to reality

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 03 July 2005 18:53:41

After my own musings on Make Poverty History, and particularly after reading Tractor Girl's whopping seven entries after returning from yesterday's rally in Edinburgh, it seems a bit mundane and ordinary, almost disrespectful even, to return to talking about the mundanities of my own little life. I guess the challenge is to carry on living my own little life whilst making sure, as far as possible, that my mundanities don't infringe on the lives of others - to live my life to its best potential, whatever that means.

Last night I returned up to London for a shipmeet. I don't think I've ever seen the Sanctuary so busy (usually it's really quiet on a Saturday night which is why we chose it, as it's good for hearing yourself think!), and we had a good mix of familiar and not-so-familiar faces. I was mortified to discover that the last time I blogged about detoxing my side-effects were quite so memorable even after a few months! It's not so bad this time, though I seem to have picked up a bit of a stomach bug to make up for the less severe side effects. Sigh.

Today at church our new curate was officially welcomed as officially "ours", she seems very nice and I'd look forward to getting to know her, except that I'm just about to leave! Perfect timing, as usual! Afterwards we had a bring and share lunch where my friend who works at Greenbelt collared me into doing a few shifts in the Angels tent this year (despite not (yet) being a Greenbelt angel myself). I'm not sure yet how much I'll do, and how many of the talks and events I want to go to, but it will be fun hopefully and give me a reason to not just wander about aimlessly!

Afterwards I went round to a friends' place - their baby was dedicated this morning at my former church and I'd felt really bad at not attending but I still can't yet bring myself to go back to a service there. Fortunately my friends know me and my hangups well enough not to be offended! I really do need to get my head round how I feel about church though, I know I'm leaving soon so it will all be a bit academic, but I want to come to a more peaceful place in my own mind about my past so I can move on more healthily, and look at my old church more positively too. I'm still a long way from that though, but at least the desire is there which I guess is a start.

And I've still not written any lists. But I spoke with a friend who's having a rough time and she is coming round for dinner tomorrow so we can talk and pray and cry and moan and laugh and all the rest of it, so that galvanised me into hoovering and, bizarrely, doing the hoovering has now got me feeling a bit more like I need to organise how I'm going to pack. I'm starting to feel a list brewing :)

Actually, I realised when I was going round Stanfords yesterday one of the main reasons why I've not started any proper packing yet is that one of the main things that I could pack (as I'm not using the bulk of them) is my books. But I'm a bit scared to do that, as I have so many all over the house that they're really key to what makes this place "home". Once they're packed up, and the pictures off the wall, it will be much more a house with random bits of furniture in, but much less personality. And I want to retain the personality of the house and the sense of "my home" as long as I can before I have to pack it all up.

I think I need to learn how to stop being so sentimental!