
Categories: phd

Tags: conference, PhD

Date: 19 June 2008 20:11:35

I'm now back from my conference, and very good it was too. It was great to be with students who weren't just studying the same area that I am, but are researching all sorts of weird and wonderful things all over the world. It was a very stimulating environment, and the other participants there were great. Rather embarrassingly, I met another student from Glasgow (from a different department) whom I didn't recognise, but it turned out that not only did he recognise me, he is based in the next door office. That was a bit embarrassing! It has left me with tons of ideas that I really must write down before I forget them all, as well as a new burst of enthusiasm (which hopefully will hang around for a while before doing its usual vanishing act).

I have decided not to submit a journal article after all from my conference paper (even though the paper went well). This is because there's another journal I'd like to submit it to, which is more prestigious, and I want to take more time in writing it really well (the original journal needs the article by next week, and I don't think I could write something good enough by then).

Back at uni, I attended a seminar this evening by a visiting professor about the Orthodox Church. It was really interesting. I'm feeling distinctly intellectually overloaded though - time for an evening of pointless internettery and generally vegging out I think :)