
Categories: uncategorized, university

Tags: grafitti

Date: 21 September 2005 08:51:57

I'm having a mental block - did I spell grafitti right? It doesn't look right with a double f, but it doesn't look right with the single one either. It's not natural, blogging this early in the morning!

Anyway, grafitti (however it's spelt). Yesterday I discovered the university library, and once the library introduction had finished I popped into the ladies (I just typed "pooped into the ladies" there, which I nearly left in as despite thinking I'm dead sophisticated I am childishly amused by toilet humour, but I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me!). There I discovered that the toilet cubicles are used as an impromptu "problem page" by many Glasgow female students, not lurid and explicit like the grafitti on the walls of certain London train station toilets but really quite heartfelt and angsty, and I spent a couple of minutes perusing the (mostly) relationship and contraceptive advice being given. Afterwards I came out and spotted that the other cubicles were also used for the same purpose. I didn't go into the other cubicles to read them in detail (I'll just use another one next time I need to go!) but as I walked past one, one slightly bolder piece of grafitti at the end of quite a long exchange of advice caught my eye and did make me laugh:

"Really, sentence structure isn't the most important issue when we're writing on toilet walls".

You get a better class of grafitti up here, clearly.