
Categories: home

Tags: stress, house hunting

Date: 03 October 2005 11:29:33

To counter yesterday's bravery, today I'm feeling like a right chicken. It transpires that the people who got the flat surveyed last week were a management company who buy up places and then rent them out. Someone else is also apparently going to get it surveyed which means that it will have to go to a closing date with closed bids. So I could get it surveyed, but then if I'm competing against a company then I could go up to my highest possible limit and it would be no skin off their nose to then offer another £1K just to clinch it. So I'm seriously thinking about not going for it.

I really don't have the stomach for this. My chickenness is compounded (again) by the whole "aloneness" thing - a number of friends are also going through the making-big-decisions-by-themselves thing, and coping because we have to and because we always do, but really wanting, needing even, to lean on someone else while we do. I've put off definitively pulling out until I've viewed another flat with the same company (which is slightly over my limit but is a fixed price which makes life much easier apparently) - just waiting to hear from them with a time for the viewing.

Sigh. I just feel like I'm standing at the bottom of a huge mountain with no way of seeing how far the top is. I know once I get an offer accepted I'll suddenly feel like I'm standing at the top and the world is my oyster, but for now I just can't see myself ever being at the top. This is really doing my head in.