
Categories: food

Tags: innocent, food

Date: 17 November 2005 10:16:09

I mentioned that a few weeks ago I had lunch with the lovely Woolly Hat. One of the things I had was an innocent fruit smoothie (innocent being the brand name, I don't mind giving them a plug because they're delicious and because they got a good write-up in the Good Shopping Guide). I was taking a look at the label while WH went to the little girls' room, and enjoying the quirky comments (example: We promise that anything innocent will always taste good and do you good [etc etc] And if not you can tell our mums) when I took a peek at the ingredients list and saw the following:

1 silver trumpet*

Curious as to what this might mean, I looked all over the label for the asterisk with the explanation, and this is what I found:

* toot