
Categories: phd, home

Tags: PhD, home

Date: 21 February 2006 20:39:09

I have a new (very nice) dilemma - I've just painted some tester squares on the bathroom wall, and I like them all! What to do?

I suspect what I may end up doing is choosing the lightest one and then using the two darker ones for subtle decoration. But that's a bit scary - I've never done that before! Actually I'll probably just chicken out of that, but it would be a shame not to use the others as they're all so lovely.

In other news, I'll probably be on blog-lite for about the next week. If anything earth-shattering happens you will of course be the first to know, but otherwise I really have to get on with the hugest pile of reading I've ever seen (I'm finding articles to add to it daily, and my first draft of my "lit review so far" is due in next week). Eek.