"The Alchemist" (Coelho)

Categories: book-review

Tags: book review

Date: 28 February 2006 19:22:58

I've now finished this book - hmm what to say? Infinitely preferable to "The Pilgrimage", a bit simplistic, the second half an improvement on the first, occasional snatches of profundity drowned in lots of mediocrity, an ending that was both clever and disappointing but with a sweet final touch that appealed to the old hopeless romantic in me, and just one phrase which thoroughly stopped me in my tracks and made me think "whoah, that's my life you're talking about!" I guess that's about it really - not as life-changing as the hype would suggest, but it could have been worse. I still don't particularly feel like I want to buy any other of his stuff though. I wonder what next month's book will be?