Thoroughly ****ed off

Categories: random, phd

Tags: stress, anger

Date: 01 March 2006 21:42:48

My department today left me feeling unappreciated, unsupported, taken advantage of and absolutely pissed off. I won't go into details, but I'm so angry I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm rubbish at being angry - usually I'm so laid back I'm horizontal, so when those rare occasions happen when I need to be angry, I don't know what to do, so then it ends up getting totally out of proportion. When I had counselling we talked about this a bit - I think she cottoned on really quickly to my inability to be appropriately angry, and my many and varied avoidance-of-confrontation strategies, and she encouraged me to get a bit more used to my angry side, but I didn't feel ready at the time. Now I'm just so wound up I can't think straight, and don't know how to stop that. Gah.

I'm supposed to be finishing my written work to hand in tomorrow, but I'm so mad I can't concentrate, they'll just have to wait. Grrrr.