Slightly scary "to do" list

Categories: phd

Tags: work, essays, PhD

Date: 14 April 2006 10:27:17

Blog/surf-lite hasn't been as lite as it could have been (I guess you may have noticed). But it will be from now on, as now that I have down on paper what I've got to do in the next month all of a sudden things are in somewhat sharper focus. I have to:

* submit the first draft of a 10,000 word end-of-first-year report by the end of April.
* submit another 5,000 word assignment by mid-May.
* Russian exam is in the last full week of May
* (to be confirmed) do a 30-40 minute presentation to staff and postgrads in the department and then take questions and discussion on my "work in progress" ie PhD so far - probably the end of May/beginning of June.
* submit the final draft of the 10,000 word report, incorporating any questions or discussions arising from the work in progress seminar that I hadn't thought of before by mid-June.
* prepare for my pre-fieldwork visit abroad (tentatively mid-June to end of July) including booking flights, making contacts for meetings, sort out language school, sort out accommodation, try to organise time in Moldova in the middle of trip.
* get ethical approval for the trip ASAP (a formality this year, but needs doing and careful thought anyway).
* learn a year's worth of Russian vocab and grammar in the next month.
* go to friend's wedding in Cambridgeshire in a couple of weeks. That will be lovely, but I hope I don't spend the weekend worrying about the work I'm not doing instead of enjoying myself.

Somehow I think the dating agency may have to be put on hold till the autumn! Eek. I'm going to work myself out a strict timetable over the weekend to get it all done in the available time, and factor in internet/relaxing time which I'm going to have to be really strict about. I don't know - half an hour blogging or surfing after each 2,000 words written or somesuch.

This afternoon I'm going to our Good Friday service, but apart from that the rest of today is going to be spent marking as many of the remaining essays as I possibly can. Somehow I think that may be just the thing for getting me in the mood to ponder suffering and sacrifice. Sigh.