Happy Easter

Categories: church

Tags: Easter, Christianity, church

Date: 16 April 2006 14:15:39

Hristos a inviat! (Christ is risen!)

I heard the hymn "Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia!" on the radio this morning as I was having breakfast (Easter egg - it was heavenly!) and, much to my surprise, found myself in tears. I've been a Christian all these years, but for some reason I felt a sense of hope, thanks to that proclamation of Christ's resurrection, that I've not experienced before.

Church was lovely - a great mix of joy and chaos (and lots of smoke - thank goodness Scotland's new smoking ban doesn't apply to incense!). Afterwards we had a bring and share lunch in the church hall, so I am now gloriously stuffed - lots of chocolate puddings of various descriptions, plus a couple of glasses of red wine, which I justified to myself as actually being an act of worship, as my way of celebrating the resurrection after the Lenten fast. I finally met my church friend's Moldovan sister-in-law, and it turned out completely unexpectedly that there was another Romanian woman at church today as well. Even more reasons for me to feel that, however tough it sometimes gets, for now I'm in the right place at the right time. I'm so grateful.