Library books

Categories: phd

Tags: random, PhD

Date: 28 April 2006 14:46:18

One of the advantages of studying an obscure PhD (aren't they all - but you know what I mean!) with an obscure little department (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Obscure Little Tinpot States or DOLTS for short) is that when you get a book out of the library you can pretty much guarantee that nobody else will be remotely interested in it and that you'll be the first person to have got it out of the library for ages. So it was that earlier this week I went to the library, and got a handful of books out. One had only been taken out 3 times since it was obtained by the library in 2001, and the most recent date stamp was 10th April 2003. So I felt pretty sure that I'd be able to keep it as long as I needed it.

So, only TWO DAYS after taking it out, who the hell is requesting I give it back so they can have it? You've had over 3 years to take it out!!!!! Gah.

In other news, I got an extension on my assignment till next week. I'm sure that came as a total surprise to everyone.