
Categories: random, phd

Tags: supervision, internet, random, PhD

Date: 07 June 2006 12:29:29

I had my final supervision session this morning prior to leaving next week for eastern adventures. Despite still feeling like I've been really superficial with my PhD it went well, and apart from one information sheet which I have to forward to the ethics committee I'm ready to go, and have the beginnings of a plan for next year. I'd rewritten my ethical approval form, but even then I just did it in half an hour this morning (despite having intended to do it since my last supervision a few weeks ago - you know those things where even though it's really straightforward and not scary they take on huge scary proportions and so keep getting put off. Or maybe that's just me).

The elephants are still emanating from Romania Libera online. It's the strangest thing - it must be something to do with an advert, but there's nothing remotely elephantine anywhere on the site. There is a picture of a caterpillar, but a. it's been there for months without making a sound and b. since when did caterpillars sound like elephants anyway? Very odd.