Sad day

Categories: church

Tags: flapjacks, lady, church

Date: 11 June 2006 14:36:35

Today was our curate's last Sunday at church before going to be the rector for a group of churches elsewhere in Scotland. I'm really glad her last day was today and not next week, as it meant I could take part in the various goodbyes. I'm really sad to see her go, she's lovely and very talented and will be a big loss to us, not to mention a big reason why I settled at St Frodo's so quickly. Obviously I wish her well and am sure she'll soon come to be much loved by her new congregations. I have made it clear though that I shall be inviting myself over, it will be good to keep up with her as well as to explore other parts of the country, which I've hardly done any of since being here. I'll have to rectify that next year - Glasgow's great, but there's so much more to this country that I've not experienced at all yet.

We won't be getting another full-time curate, although our NSM deacon is priested at the end of September so he will carry on some of the work. Today he was valiantly washing up after the parish lunch (he tells me it's one of the deacon's main duties). I made flapjacks which wibloggers will be pleased to know were very well received - not blackberry ones (I haven't found a local source), but anyway I haven't lost my touch. No doubt they'll make an appearance at Greenbelt again - mainly because I'm hopeless at baking, and flapjacks are the only edible pudding that I make that keep (the only other edible pudding I do, heart-attack-on-a-plate, involves lots of whipped cream which I can imagine after a couple of days in the tent at the end of August would probably become slushy-food-poisoning-on-a-plate).

Rather embarrassingly, today at church I wore a skirt and put my hair up, and a couple of people said (genuinely) they hadn't recognised me at first. I'm such a lady, obviously. Sigh.