
Categories: home

Tags: date, home

Date: 30 August 2006 22:33:34

Finally got home a few hours ago - I ended up spending last night at the HD's place (much nearer Greenbelt, and I was far too tired to drive all the way to Scotland - I was desperately trying not to fall asleep while driving to his, and it was less than 2 hours away). I'm not going to say a huge amount more about HD (I just knew that would be the sentence you lot all noticed!) other than he's great, it's long-distance, I'm happy (not about the long-distance bit though, but with some creativity in the travel department hopefully that won't be too much of a pain), did I say he was great?

I'm really happy to be back in the Stately Pile now - apart from the week I spent up here when I first got back from eastern Europe, I've been living out of cases since mid-June. I'm so excited to have a wardrobe again! Though I do wish I had some house elves to tidy up my stuff, which is all in a rather unstately pile on the kitchen floor.

I'll write some more about Greenbelt tomorrow, when I've uploaded my photos. I forgot to take any at the wibmeet, so I'm awaiting Dave's official report and photos with bated breath.