Where did they put the volume control?

Categories: random

Tags: friends

Date: 25 October 2006 20:36:49

Today some of my really good friends from London, who have been up in Scotland for a family wedding, called in on me for the afternoon before heading back to the airport and home. I'd known about this for months, and was really looking forward to it - I've known K since 1990, and D since 1993 (I've known his brother though since 1987 as we were both at uni together), and I was birth partner when their two oldest kids were born (J, the oldest, is the equal-best godson in the world) (I have to say that, I have two godsons!). They also have 3 year old twins, T and M. However, whilst I was really looking forward to it, I have also, over the last few weeks, been looking at the Stately Pile and thinking a number of thoughts, namely: what am I going to do with all these kids? where can we go? how can I keep them interested and not bored for 4 hours? how badly are the twins going to trash my flat? etc etc, and I must admit I was a tad anxious too. However, I have to say, now that they've gone, that they were great - thankfully although the weather wasn't exactly tropical it was at least dry so we spent quite a long time at the kids' play area in the local park, and - most unexpectedly - the hit of the afternoon when they were here was my Goodies DVD, which they all loved, whoever would have thought it? The 70s may have been the decade that taste forgot, but even though it's terribly dated the humour still works on so many levels.

I must admit though, my flat really is a bit on the small side for that many people, particularly little people with lots of energy. Although they were really well-behaved and didn't totally trash the place, I did find myself marvelling not only at their energy but also at the fact that they never stopped being energetic and wanting to be in everything, even when they were watching the DVD. It was only when they left that I realised how quiet the flat was now it was only me again. I wonder if I'd find kids less exhausting if they came with a 'mute' button?