Free concert and an alarming lack of work being done

Categories: phd, concerts

Tags: stress, music, concert, PhD

Date: 26 October 2006 19:14:01

Good thing about today: I went to a free concert in the uni concert hall (the music dept put on a free weekly concert, often with visiting musicians, which are of a very high standard). Today's included a 16 year old clarinettist who was excellent - a very charismatic performer called Scott Lygate, I suspect he'll go far. Though mid-way through the concert, remembering my own early days as a musician, music degree etc etc, I did have a bit of a "what am I doing here?" moment. Not that I want to be a musician - I know I couldn't hack that! - but just that it's funny that I've ended up here, doing what I'm doing, instead.

Not so good thing: I'm knackered, have no energy, and am struggling to do the bare minimum of work. All I want to do is sleep. But I also can't stop feeling guilty about all the work that's not getting done. And I'm starting to feel sick already at the thought of supervision next week. Bleurgh.

Still, I'm away at HD's for the weekend, I'm looking forward to that a lot (understatement). I'm going to have to buy myself a private parking space at the airport though, God knows I'm spending enough time there.