2011 Project365 (day207)

Categories: photography

Tags: photo, interview, weather, Open Uni, project365

Date: 26 July 2011 19:51:44

26th July 2011 Taken around 8.30pm. The temperature was just perfect then (at work during the day it's just been too too too too hot). In other news, I had a telephone interview this morning for some more OU tutoring. I think it went OK, apart from when I was talking about philosophy of evidence/knowledge, and found myself talking crap about ontology and epistemology (which I always get mixed up). Usually when I am aware I am talking nonsense I can back out reasonably gracefully, but this time even as I was thinking to myself "just shut up now" the words just kept on coming. Oh dear. We'll see - they are interviewing throughout August so I won't hear for a month. Fingers crossed.